Saturday was the second annual Sweeting White Elephant gift exchange. We didn't have as many people as last year (I blame John Williams... how selfish to get married on that day ;)) But we had a good time. And there were good gifts this year!
Jeff fought pretty hard for that Chia pet |
Right before she opened it, Mandy said "I really hope it's a Justin Bieber poster!" |
Notice that William is only showing his gift IN the bag... he got the surprise, special gift of the night :) |
Candace and Josiah will be having tacos for the next two weeks. |
After scoring 5.5 lbs of licorice, Amber no longer has to buy gifts for her kids |
And of course, I got to do some cooking and decorating, which was fun!
We had a small hot chocolate bar. I got the little buckets from the $1 section of Target and picked up a bottle of chalkboard spray paint from Walmart. The recipe for crockpot hot chocolate was delicious and decadent. Daniella had three cups, including one for the road. Check it out: |
These are my favorite chocolate malt cupcakes. I tried to dye the chocolate frosting white, but I didn't have nearly enough dye. I threw on some white sprinkles and sanding sugar and called it good. The template for the North Pole signs is here. |
I also made a delicious
spicy cranberry cream cheese dip, but forgot to take pictures. It was really easy to make (puree and pour) and was a huge hit.
Hope everyone is having a happy holiday season.
Loved your idea for a hot chocolate bar! I did this back during the holidays and it was a huge hit. Just wanted to let you know I shared it on my blog.