
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life according to Instagram

Whew. I'm tired. Who's surprised?

I keep intending to find more time to blog... I want to document all these little Emma "firsts" so we never forget a single thing. But then I end up just staring at her for an hour. Or taking a nap together. And I think that's better.

But I do take a ton of pictures of her every day. I'm sure to most people they all look the same but I keep thinking "look at that cute little smile! that's different than yesterday."

So if you're interested in seeing more photos of Emma than you'd ever care to see, follow me on Instagram (esweeting). And here's some of my recent favs:


  1. She is so beautiful! It's hard to blog and keep up with tracking things, but you'll be glad you did! I love going back and reading what I wrote early on.

  2. So happy for you. Yes it is so hard to blog. Babies are hard work. I am glad you are taking time to nap and play with her. I keep a notepad on my phone of things i don't want to forget about until I have time to blog about it. She's adorable! Loving all the pictures.

  3. Oh my heavens, she is gorgeous!!! I actually saw your cute baby announcement too because I was visiting the Chappels when you got it in the mail...she seriously is beautiful!! Can't wait to read the actual birth story, BUT will have to wait for later when kiddos are napping/quiet time-ing :) CONGRATULATIONS!!

    1. PS-I nominated you for the Liebster Award...I have no idea if you are interested in that OR NOT...I'm not even very clear about it...but, I was supposed to pick blogs to nominate that I love and I love lookin' at there ya go! I put the "directions" or whatever here...
      Happy momma-ing...and way to give you a blog post you don't have time for speaking of...whenever you get a minute--NO stress! :)

  4. Love! She is so amazing. And so are y'all for being awesome parents :)

  5. So cute! I love the one of her kissing your cheek. =)

  6. She is such a pretty baby!!! Love all the's true, they change SO fast. Especially in the beginning...and somehow they keep getting cuter! :)
