
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

39 weeks

How Far Along: 39 weeks, 2 days
Size of the Baby: Watermelon, 20 inches, 7 lbs
Weight gain/loss: Ya.... not keeping track anymore. A pound since last week, I think.
Sleep: Holy crud I can't stay awake.
Best Moment of the Week: My office threw me a little shower last week, which was really sweet. We went to one of my favorite restaurants and had some tasty food and it was fun. My boss got me a beautiful Moses basket and one of my co-workers (who knows us well!) got us some awesome baby gear - a "muggle-born" onesie and a bib with "accio milk." More importantly, my maternity proposal for work was approved this week, which was a HUGE relief. We got pretty much everything we wanted and we feel so blessed that I work for such an amazing boss and for such a flexible company. We are really happy with how everything worked out.

Movement: It's finally slowing down. The movements are a lot slower, but more dramatic. The other night it was like baby was trying to push straight out through my belly button. It would stretch so far forward I couldn't believe it, and it would get all pointy. And then it would sink back down. Hans tried to get it on video, but baby's apparently camera shy. Some of the movements are still quite large and noticeable - it's funny when people across the room can see it.
Symptoms: Nothing new, I don't think. Still hugely swollen. Some back pain. I guess that's it.
Food Cravings: More cereal, very thirsty (drink so much water!), chocolate
Gender: So excited to find out soon!
Belly Button in or out: Come on little guy... stay in! You're so close. You got this.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of butter. So random.
Labor Signs: Unfortunately, absolutely none. I was pretty bummed by this. I am still a little less than 3 cm dilated and 60 percent effaced. I'm also only at -2 station. I'm having frequent Braxton Hicks, but no real contractions.
Wedding ring on or off: I frequently don't even wear the fake anymore. It's just more comfortable not to have anything on my hand.
What I miss: Feeling like me. I just feel absolutely miserable and I'm really struggling to stay positive.
What I am looking forward to: Baby! Come on, any day now!
Nursery: Finished the curtains! I'm really pleased with how they turned out. We also took out all the furniture upstairs and had a company come deep clean our carpets - they badly needed it. So we did that and then re-assembled the nursery and now it feels sparkling clean and ready to go. I just need to finish that dang mobile...
Emotions: So anxious. I just have this feeling like I'm waiting for the axe to drop. Ticking time bomb. I hate the waiting. I'm also pretty grumpy and miserable - it's hard not to be when I'm so uncomfortable all the time. This last week is going to be rough.
Stupid things I have done: The normal stuff - mostly can't talk. Say words other than what I mean, forget things a lot, stuff like that. Nothing really stupid though.

Today is Tuesday and I am due this coming Monday. My "last" appointment is Friday at 3:30. I am still horribly, horribly swollen. At my last appointment, they sent three people in to look at my feet and ask me a lot of questions. I don't have any other pre-eclampsia signs and my blood pressure was actually decent this week, but the amount of swelling seems more than is normal. So we will see what they say at this week's appointment - I'm a little suspicious that my doctor will want to induce. She's been concerned about the swelling for three or four weeks now and I have a feeling that this week I'll be close enough she'll just want to pull the plug. Plus, she's on call on Sunday and they schedule inductions for when your doc is on call (there's 6 or 7 at this practice). I really, really don't want to be induced - I don't want to force my body to do something it's not ready for and I feel like induction will lead to tearing or c-section. So please keep your fingers crossed that baby will make an appearance before Friday, or my doctor will be ok with letting me go another week! Either way.... baby will be here soon and we are so excited to meet him/her.


  1. You're getting so close! I hope for your sake that the baby comes soon. Know that even if you end up being induced, things will be okay. I was induced (and wasn't thrilled about it), but looking back, everything happened just as it needed to. My body needed a push to get things started, and from there everything went smoothly. Good luck! You guys will be in my prayers.

  2. You look so cute in your picture!!! Love the pink shirt :) Just remember that your dr will make suggestions that may make it sound like you have no choice, but you ALWAYS have a choice. If you feel good about what the dr is suggesting, go with it. Just listen to your instincts and that mother's inspiration and you'll do what's best for you and baby. Good luck!

  3. How exciting. You are looking great. Can't wait to see a picture of your baby belly dropped. So exciting! Keep us all updated. I am excited to see pictures of the little babe. Sorry about all the swelling. I still can't fit in to my wedding ring. Dumb. At least my shoes fit again. ha But look great. Hand in there. You are almost there. I love the advice above. Trust your instincts and everything will turn out how Heavenly Father has intended. Can't wait to read your birth story.
