
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What do you do....

... when you have an unexpected day off? I didn't realize my office was closed for MLK Day, so that was a pleasant surprise on Friday. So it became a get-stuff-done day!

First stop - Hair goes bye-bye! It's been about three years since my last haircut and thanks to prenatals, it's been growing like a weed. It's been heavy and in the way for a while now. I went in and said that as long as it still goes up in a ponytail, I didn't care what she did to it.

I was able to get two 16-inch ponytails to donate to Locks of Love (it's my fourth time!) and then she gave me a cute cut. I think in total I am ~20 inches lighter today.

It always looks the cutest the day you get it cut and the stylist makes it all purdy.

Next up - Cook. I spent most of the day in the kitchen and made 18 different meals to store in the freezer for post-baby. I've done the freezer cooking thing before... it makes for one miserable day, but hopefully we'll thank Past-Me later. Oh, and I *may* need a bigger freezer.

Once Hans got home from work, it was off to Babies R Us to pick up a Pack N Play, courtesy of my fabulous in-laws, and get it set up in our bedroom. We're one step closer to being ready for baby!

I love the little owls =)

If you're interested in what I cooked, here's the list! I haven't even tried some of them yet, so I'll have to post later about what worked and what didn't


  1. That is really awesome how you give your hair to locks of love. I have considered doing that myself more than once over the years.

  2. I was the exact same way. An unexpected day off always meant a day to attempt to get ahead on my list of to dos!

    It's fantastic that you got so many meals into your freezer! Smart, smart lady.

    And it's a cute hair cut!

    AND you did that all while 8/9 months pregnant. You are amazing.
