
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Trail of Lights

Hans' parents came to visit this weekend and we were trying to think of something fun to do together and realized - hey, the trail of lights is opening tonight!

1. Do not go on opening night.
2. Or on a weekend night. Even if you go later.
3. Or park on Barton Skyway. It's farther than it looks, and there are closer spots available.

Not withstanding these three things, we had a great time. It's a fun atmosphere, it was a nice night and a good (long!) walk and the lights are so pretty. We really enjoyed it and I think Hans' parents did, too.

I'm still feeling it today though, whew. I haven't done 4+ miles since before I was pregnant. Nothing like waddling along for three hours to work up an appetite :)

Oh, and for good measure, here's a cute pic of Oli and Oma. He likes her so much better than us.

1 comment:

  1. 4+ miles! You are a trooper. It affects your body so much differently being different. I bet you are feeling it today. However, it looks awesome there so hopefully it was worth it.
