
Thursday, December 27, 2012

31 weeks

**Sorry this is so late!

How Far Along: 31 weeks, 2 days
Size of the Baby: Four navel oranges, 16.25 inches, 3.3 lbs
Weight gain/loss:  I feel like there's a growth spurt going on - my stomach seems to have popped and there's a lot of cramping that feels like growing pains going on. So next week I won't be too surprised to have gained a few pounds. Plus... Christmas. Ya know.
Sleep: Exhausted. All the time. But having trouble staying asleep. I'll sleep a few hours and wake up before I feel like I'm ready. And I'm ready for bed by 7.
Best Moment of the Week: Christmas!! That got it's own post, though, so I don't need to rehash here. But it was wonderful and I can't wait to spend next one with Little One.

Movement: Lots and lots, as usual. During sacrament on Sunday there was one that was so big and looked like a huge Pop! You could see it all the way across the room. Both Hans and I jumped. Lots more hiccups, too.
Symptoms: Same as last week, but getting worse. Morning sickness is back in full force and it's miserable. Hans had to go out at midnight on Christmas Eve to get me ginger ale and crackers.
Food Cravings: Food holds no appeal. Just very thirsty.
Gender: After the ridiculous amount of baby clothes we received this weekend, I'm hoping it's a girl because we'll be all set. Our friend Liz welcomed twin nieces a couple months ago and her sweet sister-in-law sent me ALL of their newborn clothes. We are overwhelmed by the generosity and so excited about the cute little dresses and bows. If not, one of my friends having a girl is getting a lot of clothes from me.
Belly Button in or out: No change
Anything making you queasy or sick: Everything and anything.
Labor Signs: None
Wedding ring on or off: On
What I miss: Being morning-sickness free. I'm back to feeling like a half-functioning human.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery! I'm off work for the next week and I'm excited about some projects and nesting.
Nursery: On it.
Emotions: Oh goodness. So emotional. I cried a LOT. Friday night we watched What to Expect When You're Expecting and during the labor scene I started completely freaking out and sobbing. We had to stop the movie while I sat there and blubbered "I don't want to do it!" over and over again. I guess it's all starting to feel very real and I'm terrified. A baptism Saturday, some changes at church Sunday (details coming soon) made me cry, and the wonderful Spirit I've felt as we've celebrated Christmas means that I've done more crying in the past few years than I have in quite some time.
Stupid things I have done: Just more clumsy. Lots of dropping things and bumping into things.


  1. I love this. I am glad to know I am not the only emotional pregnant woman out there. I have been crying non-stop. It has been out of control. Hope the morning sickness subsides soon.

  2. I haven't seen that particular movie, but I have yet to see a depiction of labor that accurately describes labor as I experienced it. This statement includes the videos from the birthing class I attended.

    One word for you: epidural. I don't know labor without it, and I wouldn't want to know labor without it.
