
Thursday, December 6, 2012

28 weeks

How Far Along: 28 weeks, 2 days
Size of the Baby: Chinese cabbage (what the heck?), 14.8 inches, 2.25 lbs
Weight gain/loss:  Ummm... zero. No loss, no gain. My doctor is concerned, but not overly. The baby is still measuring right on track, I'm just not putting on any weight. In fact, at 28 weeks I've only gained a grand total of 7 pounds during this pregnancy. I swear I'm eating! We talked about what may be causing the lack of weight gain (thyroid issues? the clomid I did to get pregnant?) and while it's definitely not something to be extremely worried about, it IS something we'll be keeping an eye on.
Sleep: Having trouble. The past two nights I haven't been able to get to sleep for the life of me. It's miserable. Mostly, I just can't get comfortable :-\ I could really use a good night's sleep - it's been a while.
Best Moment of the Week: Hearing baby's heartbeat. I always, always love that. It was good and strong around 150. We also had a fabulous time in Houston. I loved watching Hans play with baby Ryan. We spent a couple hours at the mall and Hans carried Ryan for a good chunk of it and baby just stared at him the whole time. It made me really excited to see Hans with our baby - I know he's going to be an amazing father.

Also, I had a conversation with my dad that I'm still laughing about. I asked what he wants to be called "grandpa? Pawpaw? gramps?" and he responded:

Movement: Constantly. And they're getting pretty rough. That's why I couldn't sleep Sunday night - the kicking just never stopped. Saturday night little one decided to crawl up in my ribs and I could not breath for a couple hours! It was miserable. I could feel when baby moved back down - it was like instant relief.
Symptoms: They haven't been too bad lately. The past couple days my heartburn's been a little rough, but other than that not too bad. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure the "I'm-pregnant-and-always-hot" symptom is setting in. I was burning up all weekend. Cooommmmeeeee on, winter! Help me out here.
Food Cravings: french fries, pumpkin smoothie from Jamba Juice (Oh my gosh, I want another one right now, too!), more milk.
Gender: It's either a boy or a girl.
Belly Button in or out: Still holding in!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mmmm... no! Not that I can think of it this week. That's nice.
Labor Signs: None
Wedding ring on or off: On
What I miss: Being able to sit still for a decent period of time. The car ride was kind of rough (we had to stop a few times so I could walk around) and I couldn't make it through the movie we saw Friday night. I had to go stand in the aisle and walk back and forth a little. Anything more than about an hour and I just start swelling.

What I am looking forward to: I'm changing this one this week, to what I'm NOT looking forward to. Sooo... I did not pass my glucose screening last week :-\ My blood sugar level came back at 135. Now le google and several of my mommy friends have told me that 140 and under is considered passing. Apparently, I just happen to have an overly cautious doctor who requires 130 and under. So I have to go back tomorrow morning for the 3-hour diabetes test. I'll fast for 12 hours tonight and then get stuck four times tomorrow morning (after drinking another round of that awful drink). I'm feeling very anxious about this - I really don't want to have gestational diabetes :-\ Please send good, low-sugar thoughts my way.
Nursery: No progress this week. Probably won't until after the holidays.
Emotions: Very anxious, mostly thanks to the glucose junk. Kind of irritable this weekend, but not without reason :)

Stupid things I have done: On the way to Houston I was craving French Fries. We stopped at McDonalds to get some. I picked the bag up upside down and spilled them all over the car floor. So sad. Hans and I also got locked outside of the Powells house yesterday in only our pajamas. We went to get kolaches for breakfast and figured since we were going through the drive through, we could just wear our pjs. And returned home to find that we'd locked the door somehow behind us (yesterday was a good morning...) Thank goodness Aaron and Karina live close and have a spare key!


  1. As a pregnant lady, you would be fully within your rights to cry over spilt fries. (Or to eat them off the floor.)

    You need to be eating more french fries and milkshakes. As a not-gaining-any-weight-pregnant-lady you have full authorization to do such for every meal.

    GOOD LUCK with that next glucose test. I'm thinking no-sugar thoughts your way.

  2. I was so glad to be the one to save you from going to the neighbors house in pjs. Ha you look way too cute to be pregnant. Miss you!
