
Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving leftovers

Wednesday, I took off work and that really helped off-load some of the cooking stressed. I made pies - pumpkin, pecan, and cherry (just 'cus) - dinner rolls, breakfast cinnamon rolls, and got the turkey brining.

That made Thursday really easy! Mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing and jello salad. It didn't take long - I even got in a nap.

We were joined for dinner by Hans' parents, our friends Rob and Danielle and their beautiful daughter Ryleigh, and our friends Paul and Andrew. (I'm sad I didn't think to take a group photo. Whoops). Somehow, everything turned out just right and finished all that the same time. And Yes, we all ate ENTIRELY way too much.

While I'm grateful for so many things (the list is far too long, and probably a little mushy), one thing I was so grateful for last week was the Pioneer Woman's cooking blog. I used her turkey brine recipe, pecan pie, mashed potatoes, and cinnamon rolls and all were a huge hit. I don't think you can go wrong with any recipes she puts out.

I hope that everyone else had as wonderful a Thanksgiving as we did.

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