
Monday, December 27, 2010

Welcome Christmas Morning

Hans and I both revert to childhood on Christmas morning. We wake up early and can't wait to get into the gifts. Except, I think it's more about watching the other person open our gifts than actually being excited about what we're getting. We reeeeaaaalllly like to spoil each other.

And spoiled we sure are.


Power tools?!

It even has a holster!!
Hans' haul included: Call of Duty Black Ops, Halo Reach, scarves, suspenders, a bowtie, a J. Crew sweater, Walking Dead book, another book, and a golf set for his office.

My loot included: Some Willow Tree figurines, the Pres. Monson biography, a book on Emma Smith, a cute book about love, the first season of Glee, a new can opener (what? I've been wanting one! I hate my old one), a spiral-bound hymn book and.... a piano! I think that'll get it's own blog post later on, when I can take better pics.

We are so grateful for the thoughtfulness of my family, the Krutsingers, and the Powells. You truly made us feel loved and special and that was the best part of our Christmas.

Post-open mess

Tons of stocking candy

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