
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The big meal!

Did I mention I cooked a lot?

I cooked a lot.

We had an 18-lb turkey (thank goodness for Reynold's Oven Bags!), mashed potatoes, green bean casserole (my extended family have french fried onions coursing through their veins), mandarin jello salad, stuffing (the only thing not entirely from scratch, aided a bit by Williams & Sonoma), and rolls and gravy. Hans helped so much - I'm grateful for a hubby that cooks! And we even managed to time everything so it was done at the same time! I've never been able to do that before and am currently still patting myself on the back for that.

And, of course, what meal would be complete without pie? We had pumpkin AND pecan. Yum yum.

Not a lot of recipes used.

The jello salad is just a carton of Cool Whip, a large carton of large curd cottage cheese, a package of jello (large), and two large cans of mandarin oranges. Mix and refrigerate to set.

The rolls recipe IS a good one - I'll have to upload that one later. It's a better crocker one (the red plaid cookbook).

Pumpkin pie recipe from Williams & Sonoma.

Pecan Pie recipe from the Pioneer Woman.

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