
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Some family time

Man, I haven't seen some of these people in five or six years.

My grandma Carol was gracious enough to let us stay with her during our trip. She has been in the same house for the past 56 years - the same house my dad was born in, grew up in, left from. Pretty cool. Not to mention - check out the view from her front door! Hans was completely enthralled with those mountains and very jealous she's so close to them.

Friday evening, Grandma invited over a bunch of family members for dinner. My Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeff and their son Carter, my cousin Amy and her husband Brandon and their brood of five (under 10!), my cousin Matty and his way-to-cute-to-be-his-girlfriend friend Lindsey, and my great-Aunt Marjie and her husband. We had a great time with hamburgers and hotdogs and watching the kids run around like maniacs. Sweet grandma even had ice cream and cones ready for dessert. It was so great to see everyone - I hope it's not another five years.

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