
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

That's what Omas are for

Last weekend we got to play host for Hans' family. His mom, stepdad, older brother, and niece all came to stay with us and it was so much fun! There was a lot of chatting and catching up, playing with the dogs, going to the park and, of course, eating. Isn't that what you always do with family, eat?

We wanted to have dinner/see a movie at the drafthouse, but tickets were sold out by the time we got there :( sad! Since budget is an issue for everyone and we wanted something very Austin-y, we opted to go to Torchy's Tacos. I think I could eat the green chile pork taco five days a week. It was a big hit with Hans' family AND we found out that Torchy's gives a freakin' SWEET military discount. I wanna say it was something like half off. Amazing.

Back at the theater, we saw Despicable Me, the animated movie with Steve Carrell. I expected it to be funny, but not as funny as it was. We all really, thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and I wasn't really expecting that flick to be such a crowd pleaser. Wish it wasn't 3D though. Hate that.

Katlyn wanted dessert and Oma promised her she could have some. Being 7, I think she naturally gravitated toward the biggest thing on the menu. I think that milkshake weighed as much as she does. Karin just shrugged "I'm her Oma. I am *supposed* to spoil her."

Also note: Karl and Katlyn both managed to spill most of their food on themselves. I wonder if this is a genetic trait....

Climbing the walls at the Domain. Too much sugar!!

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