
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

As American as apple pie

So, I've been gone for a while. Sorry. I have been lost in cleaning for two weeks now. The good news is that the house is *finally* almost clean. The bad news is I think I have Lysol sloshing around in my lungs. At least they'll be clean, too.

Anyway, we had a great time this weekend celebrating the Fourth of July with some good friends. Molly, Tom, Andrew, Abinadi, Matt and Lisa came over for dinner and we had a ridiculous amount of delicious food - hamburgers, hot dogs, tons of fruit, chips, potato salad, jello salad and tasty drinks. It was delicious.

A few weeks ago, I saw a recipe for personal pies in mason jars. They were so cute and I thought it'd be fun to try! I went with apple because I figured that was appropriately American. I was really pleased with the results! I pulled a recipe off Epicurious and found the small Ball jars at my local HEB. I made the pies before church, stuck 'em in the fridge, and moved 'em straight to the oven when we got home. They didn't need any greasing or anything and the crust came out of the jars smoothly. Yes, those are little hearts cut out in the tops, instead of regular slits. That was my favorite part.

Here's the original posting (and their much prettier picture) if you're interesting in trying yourself.

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