
Thursday, June 17, 2010

See ya :\

In the past 24 hours, I have had some very mixed emotions.

Yesterday, my mom and dad and Josh dropped AJ off at the Missionary Training Center in Provo. He is officially on his mission and I won't see him for two years.

Now, I'll be honest. I've been ridiculously weepy about the whole thing. I'd like to try and blame my over-emotional-ism (yes, I made that up, deal with it) on the stress I have been under lately. But really, I'm going to miss that kid so much I can hardly stand it. He's really matured into such an intelligent, mature, compassionate, considerate guy and I'm so proud of him. He is such an example to me of selflessness, trust, faith, and sacrifice. Did I mention how much I'm proud of him, or how much I love him?

I feel a little guilty crying though. It's such a great thing that he is doing, and will be such an amazing experience for him. It's a happy thing!

So he'll have to get used to copious amounts of letters and cards and emails and cookies.

If you're interested, you can follow his mission on this blog that we're keeping for him. We'll post pictures and emails that he wants to share and such.

Here's to hoping two years goes fast.

1 comment:

  1. Ah sweet emotional turmoil. The joys of humanity...and womanity.

    It goes by fast, I promise.
