
Monday, June 7, 2010

One last visit

I know I have been a bit MIA lately, but I promise I have a good excuse!

For the past few days (since Wednesday) my youngest brother AJ has been visiting us here in Austin. It's been busy, but so much fun!

Unfortunately, I've really sucked at taking photos (it's been dark/wet/insert other exuse here!) But here's a rundown of all the stuff we've packed into the past few days:

  • Home Slice pizza and Union underground bowling
  • Bluebell, bien sur.
  • Endowment session to the San Antonio temple
  • Lunch at the Trailer Park (nom nom Torchy's Tacos)
  • Lazing around SoCo, candy at the Big Top, yumminess from Hey, Cupcake!, goofing off at Monkey See Monkey Do
  • Looking for short sleeved, white, 100 percent cotton, trim cut, wrinkle-free dress shirts (with no success)
  • Taking Oliver and Hudson (and AJ) to Redbud Island for some running and swimming
  • Alamo Drafthouse (Shrek 3D - pretty funny, actually!)
  • Kolaches!
  • Floating the Comal River
  • More Bluebell
  • Laying out by our apartment's pool
  • Chuy's!
  • Church
  • Nertz and desserts
  • And lots of COD, Guitar Hero, and Arrested Development
It's been a really, really fun trip and we have loved having AJ here. I'll be so sad when he goes home tomorrow :( And I can't believe that when he gets on that plane, I won't see him again for another two years... Makes me want to cry. But I know that the he will be an incredible blessing for the people of Thailand and I am so excited for the new adventures that lie ahead of him. He's going to be an amazing missionary. I'm just so grateful for the past few days we have been able to spend with him and will be counting down for June 2012!

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