
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Homemade pop tarts

A couple days ago, I came across this blog post from the Smitten Kitchen about homemade pop tarts. Hans and I are both big fans of the toaster pastry so I figured I'd give it a whirl today.

I did the cinnamon sugar variety. It said to bake for 20-25 minutes, but I did mine for at least 30 and wish I would have had time to go longer. They didn't brown around the edges the way I wanted. Using a pattern made cutting each piece out of the rolled out pastry much easier - I just cut a rectangle out of cardboard and then placed that on my dough. I should have rolled the dough thinner, though. Next time. It was pretty good, especially the pastry part. The cinnamon sugar did seem a bit dry - maybe next time I'll try the jam/jelly recipe. But it was fun, easy, and tasty!

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