
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Funny name, amazing yumminess

When I told Hans I was trying a recipe for Whoopie Pies, he laughed. A lot. Like an immature little boy.

But I got the last laugh because these are to die for.

This recipe came to me from Gourmet, via the Kitchn. It's very easy.

I found the Dutch-processed cocoa at Central Market in the bulk foods section. I didn't print out the recipe and I thought it said 1/2 cup mounds of batter, but it says 1/4. That's why mine are gargantuan. Don't do that. I think 1/4 is probably too much - these are pretty rich. Hans and I shared one last night and didn't even finish half! So tasty.

DO try these - you won't regret it.

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