
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oreos + cupcakes + cream cheese

A couple months ago, I got an amazing cupcake book that I haven't had much time to experiment with. That's what days off work are for, right? Monday, Hans and I tried a recipe for oreo cupcakes. It was pretty easy and should have been quick, but alas my hand mixer died. Turns out really stiff pizza dough will literally kill even the best hand mixers (RIP, my dear friend).

We then used the recipe for cream cheese frosting because that's always sure to bring a smile to Hans' face. Also very easy. Pretty much butter, cream cheese, and powdered sugar. Again, a hand mixer would have been nice... (hint, hint Hans...)

They turned out pretty great! We'll definitely make this recipe a lot. They were kind of dense, I think because we weren't able to beat the ingredients the way we should have. But they're very tasty and feel decadent. There's still six or seven left if you want to come try one....

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